If CPS has called, chances are your family is already embroiled in full-fledged crisis.
You will need a cool head, a plan, and a lawyer. Not necessarily in that order.
CPS Matters are where Family and Criminal law are most likely to intersect, and Jarvis Law Firm are proud that their double-specialty is particularly effective in these tough cases.
Is it a case of parental behavior that the other parent finds unacceptable? Or is one parent engaging in unquestionably harmful, bad behavior? Is a parent using the system to level false accusations against another parents?
Child Protective Services (CPS) was created to protect children from unhealthy and downright abominable situations. But we’ve also seen the dark side of CPS: Removing kids from good homes, not notifying other family members, placing kids in questionable homes, ruining reputations and relationships, and creating a financial burden for parents suddenly faced with a court battle against CPS.
Whatever the particulars of your case, you have options, but you need help. Let Jarvis Law Firm review your situation and develop a plan. We understand your desperation and urgency, AND we understand this tangled and complex system. It means we can powerfully and effectively represent you.